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Roasted Kale and Beetroot Mince


  • 1 bunch kale, deveined

  • 3 medium sized beetroots, peeled and chopped

  • a mix of spices (blend of turmeric, black pepper, parsley and cumin)

  • some olive oil.


I used my Thermomix to mince the kale and the beets till quite fine. But you can use a good quality food processor or grate the beets by hand and chop the kale very fine. Once minced just add the spices and the olive oil, place on a roasting tray lined with aluminium foil, spreading the mince out evenly and not too thick to minimise cooking time. You can then either cook it under the grill or set your oven at 180 degrees Celsius and roast for about 45 mins or till cooked well. This dish shrinks in size quite fast as it cooks, so what seemed like a huge amount actually is not that much in the end. I love it as a side dish but also as a cold leftover to sprinkle on salads and other dishes.

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